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40th company anniversary M. Roth GmbH & Co. KG - Stainless steel vessels and apparatus - 40 years of Lebenshilfe Wohnstätten Mainfranken

The choice of donation recipient could not have been more fitting. While M. Roth GmbH & Co. KG collected donations for a project close to the heart of Lebenshilfe Wohnstätte as part of its anniversary celebrations in the spring, the latter also celebrated its 40th anniversary in the same year.

These two anniversaries were duly celebrated in 2023.

M. Roth GmbH & Co. KG from Wiesenbronn donates 3,000 euros to Lebenshilfe Kitzingen

After rounding up the donation amount by the management, the sum of 3,000 euros was handed over to Lebenshilfe Kitzingen.

The Lebenshilfe Kitzingen association has set itself the task of creating a better understanding of the special problems of people with mental disabilities, the integration of disabled people into society and the establishment and promotion of all measures and facilities that offer help for people of all ages with a mental disability.

You can find more information about the association on the website

New shade for the Lebenshilfe residential home in Kitzingen

The donation will be used to purchase a shading system for the Lebenshilfe residential home in Kitzingen, which will make living there a little nicer.

In addition to the realization that a lot of good was done 40 years ago, the handover confirmed that the donations were collected for the right purpose.

The residents' exuberant joy at the donation and their anticipation of the project that will be implemented for them was infectious. The tour of the dormitory also showed that the money is going to the right place and will be put to good use exactly where it is needed. 

Further similarities

Further similarities were identified during the discussion.

At Roth, it is a great advantage that there are many opportunities in the rather tranquil but incredibly charming Wiesenbronn and that it is possible to both live and work here. This makes it easy to identify with the place, the work and the employer.

The same goes for Lebenshilfe. The residents proudly talked about their work in the neighboring Mainfränkische Werkstätten. The residential home offers a wonderful, but also practical opportunity for as much independence as possible.

M. Roth GmbH & Co. KG is all the more pleased to be able to support the implementation of the shading system for the Lebenshilfe residential home in Kitzingen.

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